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Siterobot Adserver

You have better way to serv, publish and measure your ads
Quick and talent adserver, Online CRM, social media analyze application, all-in-one

Get ready for the breakthrough

Add new business models to your ad operation

  • Easy and Quick Campaign processes
  • Efficient and Reliable Reporting
  • in-Banner Online CRM Tools
  • Social Media Analyze (SMA)
  • Scalable Cloud Infrastructure
 $214.40 / 1k CPM
1k CPM
5k CPM
10k CPM
With in-banner online CRM applications maximum user engagement
Get users you target into interaction with trademarks also analyze and measure the interaction
It is not the only alternative to get attention with ads. In-banner applications, the first step of your CRM processes, are ready for your using. In banner, your clients may access to the customers with surveys, or collect demands such as e-bulletin, subscription, lead generation, make them share the pages on social media or connect them to the customer relations with only a click.
Analyze the social media activity and campaign performance of your customers
It has never been that easy to analyze social media activity. Your clients can make both social media analysis and publish ads.
It is classical phres "to kill two birds with one stone" You'll do more than this with Siterobot CRM Adserver You will present your clients ad campaign reports to them with social media analysis Thus, your agency will have higher profitability. The fee you pay fort he appilications will return to you increasingly Moreover return also for your clients. You will be surprized with the social media users engagement to your campaigns differently and attractively.
Best assistance with efficient reportings to estimate the future
We are aware of that you need clear reporting including the information while you manage the campaigns.
What if the adserver you use provide the exact reports you need, wouldn’t be so easier for you? Our experienced team has never forgotten this issue while they were working on this project. Wen ever be satisfied with the products already exist. You will be impressed with Siterobot Adserver CRM analysis ve social media reports.
Auto scalable cloud-computing infrastructure and powerful partners
We feel more strong with being the Amazon Web Services Technology Partner. This wide infrastructure is managed with AWS and accredited AWS Technology Professionals.
We provide agencies infratructure solution for publishing ads in low or high traffic. Digital media agencies will never pay more than the use, no matter the volume of their traffic. No lower limit, in every circumstance you will pay as you use. Ofcourse your cost will get lower with high volumes.
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