" Spending your time for a description will be return to you as a good trade. Don’t forget that people don’t want to invest properties they are not sure about that. Nobody wants to waste their money. "
You have a very good website. It has a very effective monetization model, a premium domain, a unique content and elegant design. You get regular income with your website. In a phrase your website is really charming to offer for sale. At this point, some people may think that” Ok, I can get the best price for my website it is already wonderful. Big mistake! Ofcourse a good property may sell itself. It would be difficult without tips which we will touch on below.
1. Honesty
It is very important to make buyers convinced of what you declare in your listing. Information not basing on truth is mostly pretty much obvious. If the buyers feel any false statement, they will keep out of interesting your website even it has a good price. Don’t forget that your are on internet where information is easily reached when you are selling. Honesty is reffered to every detail about your website in the listing.
2. Realism
Although honesty and realism are very close in meaning, They are not the same things. For example if you have an estimation about your website’s future income, you need to be realistic in conjuction with honesty. Particularly, pricing your website needs to be realistic more than anything. Diversion on price makes buyers to suspect. It doesn’t matter that it is higher or lower than the normal price. Price should be set about comprehensible level . Estimations on your website’s future is should be done realistic other than pricing.
3. Don’t avoid to enter a proper description and other information
Many times Siterobot users avoid the fill out descriptions properly. They may different reasons for acting like that. Usually they don’t care for creating a descrition which has proper information. It is another mistake. In your description tell everything about the story of your website. You will get around to 10 minutes-maximum 30 minutes. But it will be return to you as a good trade. Don’t forget that people don’t want to invest properties they are not sure about that. Nobody wants to waste their money.
4. Don’t miss any detail to declare
This item can be evaluated with previous item. Siterobot asks you to give some details about your website. For eaxample, website traffic, monthly income,Alexa ranks or monetization models. Please declare all these information detailed and correctly.
5. Use Siterobot dopings
Siterobot dopings increase the rate of making awareness about website. There are different type doping services. You can choose some them according to your websites value. High priced services may cause that you to lose money if your website is modest type.
6. Follow your selling
You made everything for creating a good listing. You are supposed to follow the auction for your website. This makes you to keep your attention about market reactions. Bids coming to your listing, comments, interest of users are highly significant for predicting the success of listing. Thus , you may need the change your selling strategy.